I have a number of thank you’s that I wish to make known on this website as some of these people have made it possible to have our social networking and website facility available.

The first person I want to thank is Christopher. Christopher is, and always has been, a good friend of mine.  Chris has put in a lot of time and effort to make this website possible. He has been devoted to the coding and designing throughout the site and in the past has helped me with a number of test websites which were trial runs for this this one. He has been devoted to fulfilling his technical ability even with me chopping and changing the idea, so for Chris a big thank you is due!

The second person I want to thank is James Anderson. I was talking  to James one day about the idea that I had for a  website and not only did he take an interest, but he also told me if I needed any help with creating images with Photoshop or anything done, he would be happy to help. I am still learning to use Photoshop and I have no knowledge of  coding however I specialise in the writing of the content to make both of  their work worthwhile. It is due to James taking my idea of the logo and making it look more professional that we now have all our graphics such as logos and banners etc. Again for James a big thank you is due!

The third group of people I want to thank are the extreme decorators of the UK mainland who starred in a King of Christmas Lights Documentary. The people I am talking about are Brailsford Lights, The Manning Close Christmas Lights Show and Karl’s Christmas Display. Since getting in contact with them, they have been a great help giving me ideas and you can visit their individual websites by visiting our ‘Links’ page.

Two more thank you’s that I think are due are to my peers who have to put up with my constant obsession of Christmas lights, and so for enduring that, thank you. Also I want to thank my family, especially my dad for allowing me to have this hobby and helping me out as we do both enjoy it.

Lastly, but by no means least, I want to thank the community in which we live for supporting the Lights Display because it is Community that inspires me to keep going and building on the display, as well as our overall love of Outdoor Christmas Decorations.